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Brand Tone

Custom Brand Design & Strategy
Packaging Design

The client

Simple, Clean, Luxurious


Jess and Kerri came to me needing a revamp of their website and their brand Relocation Boise. RLO Boise is a realty firm that prides themselves on understanding each clients unique needs, navigating them through the sales process and creating long-lasting relationships. With a business built on providing the highest level of service the needed a brand and website to match.

Custom Brand Design & Strategy
Packaging Design

Creative Direction

Jess and Kerri are a new brokerage that already had many of the pieces for a great brand. They were having trouble with getting their designs to look put together and cohesive.  We updated their logo by taking away the line in the center and pushing the letters closer together. By doing this I creates a simpler and more luxurious looking logo. We also added a sub-brand logo with their co-agency, got them set up with fonts that pair well together and put together a style guide so they know exactly how to use their new brand elements. 



Website Design

The goal for their website was to make it feel professional but also personal and to make the website more intuitive. The core elements of the website were there but it was lacking functionality and a professional design. Using their style guide we cleaned up the website, added new elements while removing parts of the website that were hard to navigate.











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